Nothing like grilled steak in the summer for the 4th of July. What better way to celebrate the country’s independence, than with nice juicy marinated steaks?
4 USDA choice grade Rib eye steaks (2in thickness)
1 12oz bottle of red wine vinaigrette dressing
2 tbsp dried rosemary
2 tbsp crack black pepper
1 tbsp garlic powder
1 tbsp onion powder
1 tbsp ancho chili powder
1 tbsp smoked paprika
Place Rib eyes in large baking dish, add vinaigrette dressing and marinate in the frig overnight.
Preheat Gas grill
Take marinated Steaks out of the frig and bring them to room temp (about 2 hrs prior to grilling). Transfer steaks to a shallow baking dish and discard marinate. Season steaks liberally with the six remaining spices. Transfer steaks to the grill over a “direct heat” and sear on each side about 3-5 minutes. Then move steaks to an “indirect heat” cooking on both sides until a medium wellness is achieved (about 155 degrees internal temp). Make sure you keep the grill’s lid down, while cooking the steaks. Remove steaks from the grill and allow to rest for at least 5 minutes. During this time, the steaks will continue to cook and the juices will spread through the meat. Enjoy!