I was given a sample of this tea by my father, who I call, the ultimate purveyor of tea. Since I instantly fell in love with it, I felt it only fitting to discuss my experience. First of all I have to admit that I am a fan of Tazo brand teas and this tea is definitely another favorite. Although they call this tea an herbal infusion tea, I would have considered it a spicy tea, why? Keep reading. The tea gets its name from the ingredient rooibos or "red bush." Rooibos are part of the legume family of plants and are grown in a small area in the South Africa's Western Cape Province region. The tea also contains lemon, orange peel, hibiscus, and rosemary as ingredients.The rosemary is subtle and not overwhelming adding an wonderful earthy profile to the flavor. The tea is traditionally enjoy with a splash of lemon and honey and that is how I enjoyed it. I also suggest adding a splash of vanilla soy, cinnamon, and fresh grated nutmeg to be enjoyed as a dessert tea. Since I was sick last week, the soothing nature of this tea coupled with a squeeze of lemon and splash of honey, certainly assisted with the healing process.
It's a great tea when you have a bit of a cold. I much prefer adding honey than sugar